Indonesian Family Life Survey, 1993

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This release of the 1993 Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS-1-PR) is a revised and restructured version of the Wave 1 data. This data collection provides a broad range of economic, demographic, and health information at both the household and community levels across 13 provinces on the islands of Java, Sumatra, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi. A sample of 7,224 households was interviewed during August 1993 through January 1994. Household-level data cover topics such as household characteristics, income, education of both adults and children, marriage histories, inter-household transfers, pregnancy history, and knowledge and use of contraceptives. At the community-facility level, information was gathered from village leaders and heads of village women's groups in each of the 321 enumeration areas (EAs) where the households were located. Questions were asked regarding community characteristics (transportation, water and sanitation, history of schools, and availability of health facilities), nurses, midwives, and paramedics (facility management and family planning history, vignettes on types of care), and traditional health practitioners (buying or making herbal medicines or using services of traditional practitioners, rituals, and incantations). When the household data are combined with the community-facility data, the 1993 Indonesian Family Life Survey provides a unique look at areas of fertility, family planning, infant and child health, education, migration, employment, and the social, economic, and health status of over 7,000 households in a diverse setting during a period of rapid demographic and socioeconomic change.As of June 2015, there are four waves of data for the IFLS. However, a fifth wave of data collection has begun. Please see the IFLS Web site for more information on how to obtain these data.

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