Eurobarometer 44.0: Cancer, Education Issues, and the Single European Currency, October-November 1995

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25 janvier 2001


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Karlheinz Reif et al., « Eurobarometer 44.0: Cancer, Education Issues, and the Single European Currency, October-November 1995 », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR06721.v1


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This round of Eurobarometer surveys queried respondents on standard Eurobarometer measures such as public awareness of and attitudes toward the European Union (EU), and also focused on cancer, education issues, and the Single European Currency. Respondents were questioned about their attitudes toward cancer risks and prevention strategies. They were also asked whether they had heard or read anything about the European Week Against Cancer, the European program to fight cancer, or the "European Code Against Cancer". The European Code Against Cancer, consisting of ten elementary rules for the possible prevention of cancer, was developed by a committee of cancer experts from all member countries of the EU. Education questions concerned whether respondents were satisfied with primary and secondary schools. Common European currency questions included whether respondents were for or against having one European currency in all member states. Respondents were queried about their knowledge of the Single European Currency and conditions member countries must meet in order to join the European Economic and Monetary Union. They were also asked for their opinions about possible outcomes of the changeover to the Single European Currency. Respondents were further queried about their time-frame preference for introducing the dual display of both the national currency and the European currency on goods and services, their concerns about this changeover, and their opinions about where useful information on the European currency and the changeover should be available. Demographic and other background information was gathered on the number of people residing in the home, size of locality, household income, and region of residence, as well as the respondent's age, sex, religion, age when completed education, occupation, and left-right political self-placement.

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