Family Life and Sexual Learning, 1976

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This dataset contains data from a 1976 survey of 1,484 parents of 3- to 11-year-old children living in Cleveland and Cuyahoga County, Ohio. The purpose of the study was to explore in parents and their pre-adolescent children the process of learning about sexuality and the pattern of utilization of community resources regarding sexuality in the Cleveland, Ohio area (Cuyahoga County). Parents of pre-adolescents are the unit of analysis because they were seen as both the primary source of and the best reporters of their children's sexual learning. It was also seen as politically and socially impossible to conduct this research on the children directly. Where possible, both parents in two-parent families were interviewed. The intended use of the study was to influence the design and development of new policies and programs regarding sexuality in the Cleveland area. The collection contains data covering sexual topics in six general areas: (1) psychological aspects, (2) sexual functions, (3) relationships, (4) values, (5) media issues, and (6) sex roles. Specific sexual topics include: anatomy, reproduction, menstruation, masturbation, wet dreams, intercourse, homosexuality, sex play, marriage, parenting, divorce, displays of affection, love, fidelity, virginity, pre-marital sex, nudity, pornography, venereal disease, abortion, contraception, cross-sex behavior, sex segregation, and role expectations. The collection also contains data in eight main areas of learning and communication: (1) parents' experience with sexual learning and communication in the family, (2) parents' own sexual experience and attitudes, (3) parents' perceptions of their child's sexual learning and experience, (4) parents' expectations, desires, and attitudes about their child's sexual learning and behavior, (5) sex role attitudes and behavior of parents and children, (6) need for assistance and utilization of resources for sexual learning and communication, (7) parents and family demographics, and (8) possible sources of bias.

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