Americans View Their Mental Health, 1957 and 1976: Selected Variables

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4 novembre 2005


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Joseph Veroff et al., « Americans View Their Mental Health, 1957 and 1976: Selected Variables », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR07949.v1


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This data collection contains 262 comparable variables from AMERICANS VIEW THEIR MENTAL HEALTH, 1957 (ICPSR 3503) and AMERICANS VIEW THEIR MENTAL HEALTH, 1976 (ICPSR 7948). Investigators were interested in determining whether the 1957 descriptive findings remained stable or had changed by 1976, and whether relationships established between sex, age, education, marital status, well-being, role experience, problems, and methods of dealing with stress were replicated or altered in the 1976 results. Variables focus on various areas in which problems might arise, including marriage, parenthood, employment, and general social relationships. Information about leisure time, past and present physical and mental health, and motives for affiliation, achievement, and power were also sought.

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