Dutch Parliamentary Election Study, 1986: Stratified Sample

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This study consists of a short post-election interview with a sample drawn from the Dutch electorate, stratified according to party preference. Many of the questions asked in this survey parallel those appearing in the DUTCH PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION STUDY, 1986 (ICPSR 8876). In addition, questions generated by hypotheses about the behavior of supporters of small political parties in general were also included. This collection also contains information from a weekly poll in which the respondents had participated earlier and which was used to stratify the sample. Topics covered include attitudes on political issues such as the economy, social security, euthanasia, nuclear armaments, and foreign workers, experiences with unemployment, religious views, and attitudes toward political parties and other factors important to party choice. Respondents also provided demographic information on income, sex, age, employment and union status, household composition, marital status, type of living quarters, and education.

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