Transatlantic Trends: Immigration, 2008

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Transatlantic Trends: Immigration, 2008 examined attitudes and policy preferences related to immigration in Europe, Canada, and the United States. For its inaugural year, the survey concentrated on issues such as: illegal versus legal immigration, admission criteria preferences, enforcement tactics, international cooperation on immigration policies, immigration and security, national identity, assimilation versus multiculturalism, and the compatibility of Islam and Western society. Several questions were also asked pertaining to voting and politics including whether respondents discussed political matters with friends, and whether they attempted to persuade others close to them to share their views on politics which they held strong opinions about, vote intention, assessment of the current United States presidential candidates, political party attachment, and left-right political self-placement. Demographic and other background information includes age, gender, ethnicity, citizenship, origin of birth (personal and parental), marital status, religious affiliation, age when finished full-time education and stage at which full-time education completed, occupation, type of locality, and region of residence.

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