CBS News/Vanity Fair Monthly Poll #3, August 2010

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This poll, fielded August 27-31, 2010, solicited New York City residents' opinion on Michael Bloomberg's job as mayor, the most important problem facing New York City, David Paterson's handling of his job as governor, and whether they approved or disapproved of the way Barack Obama was handling his job as president. They were also queried on whether they heard about the plan to build a mosque and Islamic community center two blocks from Ground Zero of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, whether they favored or opposed the building of the mosque, whether they thought people should have the right to build a house of worship near Ground Zero, and whether they thought people should have the right to build a mosque near Ground Zero. Opinions were sought on New York Congressman Charles Rangel, whether they were familiar with the accusations associated with Rangel, how much truth there were to these accusations, what they thought Rangel should do going forward, and whether Rangel had higher or lower ethical standards compared to others in the Congress. They were asked whether they thought Arab Americans, Muslims, and immigrants from the Middle East were being singled out unfairly by people in this country, whether people they know had negative feelings towards Muslims because of the attack on the World Trade Center, whether respondents had any negative feelings towards Muslims because of the attack on the World Trade Center, whether they thought Muslim Americans are more sympathetic to terrorists, and whether they ever visited a mosque. Demographic information includes sex, age, race, education level, household income, marital status, religious preference, type of residential area (e.g., urban or rural), political party affiliation, political philosophy, religiosity, whether participant was living in New York City on September 11, 2001, how long they have lived in New York City, where they are getting most of their information pertaining to the planned mosque and Islamic community center, and voter registration status and participation history.

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