CBS News Monthly Poll #1, September 2010

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This poll, fielded September 6-8, 2010, is a part of a continuing series of monthly surveys that solicits public opinion on a range of political and social issues. A national sample of 906 adults was surveyed. Respondents were asked whether they thought the country was headed in the right direction, which modern presidential library they would most like to visit, who they agreed with more over the building of an Islamic cultural center and prayer room two blocks from Ground Zero in New York City, the Muslim developer or his opponents, and whether seeing calorie counts on restaurant menus affected their eating habits. Respondents were queried on what they considered to be their biggest waste of time, whether they thought same sex couples would have a higher or lower rate of divorce when compared to heterosexual couples if they were allowed to marry, what they thought would eventually bring humankind to an end, whether they thought top college athletes should receive salaries, and who they thought was the most eligible single woman in the world. Finally, respondents were asked whether they would prefer a longer or shorter Fall season, whether they would like to see Daylight Savings Time extended to all year round, how often they expected to go out to the movies this season, whether they thought that the quality of entertainment programs on television had gotten better or worse when compared to when they were growing up, whether they thought that New Jersey was usually shown to be better than it really was or worse than it really was in movies and television, and whether they considered themselves to be a supporter of the Tea Party movement. Demographic information includes sex, age, race, marital status, education level, household income, employment status, religious preference, type of residential area (e.g., urban or rural), political party affiliation, political philosophy, and voter registration status.

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