East Asian Social Survey (EASS), Cross-National Survey Data Sets: Network Social Capital in East Asia, 2012

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The East Asian Social Survey (EASS) is a biennial social survey project that serves as a cross-national network of the following four General Social Survey type surveys in East Asia: the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS), the Japanese General Social Survey (JGSS), the Korean General Social Survey (KGSS), and the Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS), and comparatively examines diverse aspects of social life in these regions. Since its 1st module survey in 2006, EASS produces and disseminates its module survey datasets and this is the harmonized data for the 4th module survey, called 'Network Social Capital in East Asia,' which was carried out in 2012 in the four countries. Survey information in this module focuses on social networks and participation and attitudes toward various social organizations and events. Respondents were asked about common social interactions, family structures and relationships, their neighborhood environments, social support systems, and their trust toward a range of community members and institutions. Additionally, respondents were asked for their opinions on political issues, and about their participation and experience with voting in recent elections. Demographic and other background information includes age, sex, marital status, religion, years of education completed, employment status, income, and household size and composition.

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