Los Angeles Metropolitan Area Surveys [LAMAS] 10, 1976

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5 septembre 2017


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Los Angeles. Institute for Social Science Research University of California, « Los Angeles Metropolitan Area Surveys [LAMAS] 10, 1976 », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR36617.v1


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The Los Angeles Metropolitan Area Surveys [LAMAS] 10, 1976 collection reflects data gathered in 1976 as part of the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area Surveys (LAMAS). The LAMAS, beginning in the spring of 1970, are a shared-time omnibus survey of Los Angeles County community members, usually repeated twice annually. The LAMAS were conducted ten times between 1970 and 1976 in an effort to develop a set of standard community profile measures appropriate for use in the planning and evaluation of public policy. The LAMAS instruments, indexes, and scales were used to track the development and course of social indicators (including social, psychological, health, and economic variables) and the impact of public policy on the community. Questions in this survey cover respondents' attitudes toward the following topics: child abuse, parent-child relationships, right to privacy, and political participation. In addition, participating researchers were given the option of submitting questions to be asked in addition to the core items. These additional question topics include: accidents and emergencies, crime, and health care/relationship to doctors. Demographic variables included in this dataset include age, marital status, religion, sex, education, occupation, income, geographic origin, and race.

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