Work and Leisure Today 1, United States, 2013

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14 octobre 2020


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Kristen Olson et al., « Work and Leisure Today 1, United States, 2013 », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR37861.v1


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This is a methodological study on computerized data collection and interviewer-respondent interaction, conducted as part of the Nebraska node of the NSF-Census Research Network. The Work and Leisure Today telephone survey contains substantive questions on employment, leisure time, and technology use. The methodological supplements to the survey include interviewer characteristics, call record data, paradata, behavior coding, interviewer acoustic measurements, coding of responses to open-ended questions, and coded characteristics of the survey. The units of analysis are individuals and questions. Variables about individuals include work and leisure activities, demographics, survey participation attitude, conversational behaviors, and voice properties. Variables about survey questions include category, length, and readability.

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