Four Welfare Employment Studies, Arkansas, Virginia, Baltimore, Maryland, and San Diego, California, 1982-1985

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21 juillet 2022


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Working conditions

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Daniel Friedlander et al., « Four Welfare Employment Studies, Arkansas, Virginia, Baltimore, Maryland, and San Diego, California, 1982-1985 », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR38059.v1


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This collection contains two- to three-year Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and earnings follow-up data, which are based on unemployment insurance records. These data are available from four of MDRC's welfare employment studies conducted in the 1980s in the following locations: Arkansas, Virginia, Maryland (Baltimore), and San Diego SWIM. In addition to these follow-up data, demographic information is provided for each sample member. These data were used in a paper assessing nonexperimental techniques for estimating the effects of employment and training programs. Note that the files included in this package do not include data on Cook County, Illinois, which is found in the report "Subgroup Impacts and Performance Indicators for Selected Welfare Employment Programs".

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