National Public Radio/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health Poll: Health Education Survey, United States, 2013

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10 mars 2022


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Social Science Research Solutions (SSRS), « National Public Radio/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health Poll: Health Education Survey, United States, 2013 », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR38381.v1


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This collection includes variable-level metadata of the 2013 poll Health Education Survey, a survey from National Public Radio/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health conducted by Social Science Research Solutions (SSRS). Topics covered in this survey include: Grade child enrolled inLocation of child's schoolEnrollment totalGiving grade to child's schoolBiggest problem at schoolEmphasis on various subjectsSchool teaching same values as home valuesSchool obligations interfering with family timeKnowledge about common coreCommon core improving educationMethod of learning about common coreSuccess of common coreSchool preparing students for careersAttending technicalVocational classesPreparing students for collegePreparing students for job marketStudent plans after high schoolCollege or career planning servicesHealthiness of school lunchesFoods available at schoolLength of school lunchTime of lunch periodVending machines at schoolFast-food chains at schoolPhysical education as mandatoryFrequency of PE classesLength of PE classesPE classes for other purposesRating PE school offeringsPlaygrounds available after schoolRecess as structured or free timeSchool safetySecurity precautions at schoolWays of preventing violence at schoolIncreasing security after Newtown shootingMethod of transport to schoolTime to get home from schoolSafety of travelling to schoolSchool related stressSchool counseling for stressed studentsTime of school dayThe data and documentation files for this survey are available through the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research [Roper #31092359]. Frequencies and summary statistics for the 148 variables from this survey are available through the ICPSR social science variable database and can be accessed from the Variables tab.

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