East Asian Social Survey (EASS), Cross-National Survey Data Sets: Culture and Globalization in East Asia, 2018

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3 novembre 2022


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Noriko Iwai et al., « East Asian Social Survey (EASS), Cross-National Survey Data Sets: Culture and Globalization in East Asia, 2018 », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR38489.v1


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The East Asian Social Survey (EASS) is a biennial social survey project that serves as a cross-national network of the following four General Social Survey type surveys in East Asia: the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS), the Japanese General Social Survey (JGSS), the Korean General Social Survey (KGSS), and the Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS), and comparatively examines diverse aspects of social life in these regions. Since its 1st module survey in 2006, EASS produces and disseminates its module survey datasets and this is the harmonized data for the 7th module survey, called 'Culture and Globalization in East Asia'. Survey information in this module is the same topic as the second module of the EASS 2008, and it focuses on cultural norms and expectations of respondents. Respondents were asked about their exposure to East Asian cultural activities and rituals as well as opinion on family responsibilities and roles. Other topics include sources of international news and discussion frequency, countries or regions traveled, as well as where acquaintances live. Additionally, respondents were asked how accepting they would be of people from other countries as coworkers, neighbors, and in marriage. Information was collected regarding foreign practices, whether the respondent was working for a foreign capital company, and the economic environment. Respondents were also asked to assess their own proficiency when reading, speaking, and writing in English. Demographic information specific to the respondent and their spouse includes age, sex, marital status, education, employment status and hours worked, occupation, earnings and income, religion, class, size of community, and region.

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