January 20, 2021
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Francesca Piana, « L’Estonie et l’échange des prisonniers de guerre entre Allemagne et Russie, 1918-1922 », Revue d’Allemagne et des pays de langue allemande, ID : 10.4000/allemagne.2426
This article aims to clarify the relations between Estonia, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the League of Nations concerning the repatriation of prisoners of war (POW) from Russia and former Central Empires between 1920 and 1922. First, this article shows that Estonia, a small, newly independent state, allowed the exchange of 400,000 prisoners of war across its territory, as suggested by the ICRC and the League of Nations, in order to help establish peace in the world, but above all to strengthen its position vis-à-vis the former enemies of Germany and Russia, as well as to be admitted into the “family of nations”. At the time of the POW exchange, Estonia also hosted in the same region in the east of the country Estonian optees from Russia, whose migration was managed by a bilateral agreement with Russia, and white Russian refugees, to whom the forms of international protection previously established by the ICRC and the League of Nations for POWs were extended.This article also suggests that the care of displaced persons on separate national and international basis not only gives the false impression that the issues were unconnected, but furthermore that the protection needs of people on the move were different. The creation of migratory categories, far from being natural, is likely to erase the political, economic, and ideological tensions in which Estonia, the ICRC, and the League of Nations found themselves, and ignores the limits of humanitarian protection for POWs, opters, and post-war refugees.