8 avril 2019
https://www.openedition.org/12554 , info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
De Martino Maria et al., « Grammatical class effects in production of Italian inflected verbs », Accademia University Press, ID : 10.4000/books.aaccademia.3291
We report a picture-word interference (PWI) experiment conducted in Italian where target verbs were used to name pictures in presence of semantically related and unrelated distracters. The congruency of grammatical class between targets and distracters was manipulated and nouns and verbs were used as distracters. Consistently with previous studies, an expected semantic interference effect was observed but, interestingly, such an effect does not equally apply to target-distracter pairs sharing or not grammatical class information. This outcome seems to corroborate the hypothesis of the intervention of grammatical constraints in word production as explored in the PWI task.