What’s in a Food Name: Knowledge Induction from Gazetteers of Food Main Ingredient

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8 avril 2019


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Bernardo Magnini et al., « What’s in a Food Name: Knowledge Induction from Gazetteers of Food Main Ingredient », Accademia University Press, ID : 10.4000/books.aaccademia.3430


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We investigate head-noun identification in complex noun-compounds (e.g. table is the head-noun in three legs table with white marble top). The task is of high relevancy in several application scenarios, including utterance interpretation for dialogue systems, particularly in the context of e-commerce applications, where dozens of thousand of product descriptions for several domains and different languages have to be analyzed. We define guidelines for data annotation and propose a supervised neural model that is able to achieve 0.79 F1 on Italian food noun-compounds, which we consider an excellent result given both the minimal supervision required and the high linguistic complexity of the domain.

Affrontiamo il problema di identificare head-noun in nomi composti complessi (ad esempio “tavolo” is the headnoun in “tavolo con tre gambe e piano in marmo bianco”). Il compito é di alta rilevanza in numerosi contesti applicativi, inclusa l’interpretazione di enunciati nei sistemi di dialogo, in particolare nelle applicazioni di e-commerce, dove decine di migliaia di descrizioni di prodotti per vari domini e lingue differenti devono essere analizzate. Proponiamo un modello neurale supervisionato che riesce a raggiungere lo 0.79 di F-measure, che consideriamo un risultato eccellente data la minima quantitá di supervisione richiesta e la alta complessitá linguistica del dominio.

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