Automatic Identification of Misogyny in English and Italian Tweets at EVALITA 2018 with a Multilingual Hate Lexicon

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5 juin 2019


OpenEdition Books



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Endang Wahyu Pamungkas et al., « Automatic Identification of Misogyny in English and Italian Tweets at EVALITA 2018 with a Multilingual Hate Lexicon », Accademia University Press, ID : 10.4000/books.aaccademia.4724


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In this paper we describe our submission to the shared task of Automatic Misogyny Identification in English and Italian Tweets (AMI) organized at EVALITA 2018. Our approach is based on SVM classifiers and enhanced by stylistic and lexical features. Additionally, we analyze the use of the novel HurtLex multilingual linguistic resource, developed by enriching in a computational and multilingual perspective of the hate words Italian lexicon by the linguist Tullio De Mauro, in order to investigate its impact in this task.

Nel presente lavoro descriviamo il sistema inviato allo shared task di Automatic Misogyny Identification (AMI) ad EVALITA 2018. Il nostro approccio si basa su classificatori SVM, ottimizzati da feature stilistiche e lessicali. Inoltre, analizziamo il ruolo della nuova risorsa linguistica HurtLex, un’estensione in prospettiva computazionale e multilingue del lessico di parole per ferire in italiano proposto dal linguista Tullio De Mauro, per meglio comprendere il suo impatto in questo tipo di task.

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