SSNCSE-NLP @ EVALITA2020: Textual and Contextual Stance Detection from Tweets Using Machine Learning Approach

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11 mai 2021


OpenEdition Books



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B. Bharathi et al., « SSNCSE-NLP @ EVALITA2020: Textual and Contextual Stance Detection from Tweets Using Machine Learning Approach », Accademia University Press, ID : 10.4000/books.aaccademia.7224


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Opinions expressed via online social media platforms can be used to analyse the stand taken by the public about any event or topic. Recognizing the stand taken is the stance detection, in this paper an automatic stance detection approach is proposed that uses both deep learning based feature extraction and hand crafted feature extraction. BERT is used as a feature extraction scheme along with stylistic, structural, contextual and community based features extracted from tweets to build a machine learning based model. This work has used multilayer perceptron to detect the stances as favour, against and neutral tweets. The dataset used is provided by SardiStance task with tweets in Italian about Sardines movement. Several variants of models were built with different feature combinations and are compared against the baseline model provided by the task organisers. The models with BERT and the same combined with other contextual features proven to be the best performing models that outperform the baseline model performance.

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