20 août 2019
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Alexandra Lavrillier, « The Tungusic community, which who brought us the term “Shaman” », CNRS Éditions, ID : 10.4000/books.editionscnrs.12726
February 2009 “Tungusic” is reverberated in the works dedicated to Shamanism, Animism or to the social organisation of a number of Western anthropologists (F. Boas, Lévi-Strauss, Hamayon, Descola, etc.). It refers to a culturally coherent group of people who were originally hunters in Siberia and Manchuria. The word, “Shaman” came from their languages, Saman, and assimilated itself into Russian in the 16th century through a story told by Avvakum, an orthodox priest. In the following two centu...