L’estuaire de la Charente de la Protohistoire au Moyen Âge

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Les études rassemblées ta concernent un même terroir, de l’estuaire de la Charente aux marais saintongeais, milieu inhospitalier en perpétuel mouvement mais aussi zone écologique très riche, qui constitue un champ privilégié pour appréhender les interactions entre populations humaines et environnement naturel À. l’occasion d’un projet autoroutier (A 837 Saintes-Rochefort) ont été fouillés un site littoral et un site de plaine dont les vestiges illustrent la diversité des modes d’occupation du sol et d’exploitation du territoire. À La Challonnière, un atelier de sauniers (IV-IIIe s. av J -C) dont les activités ont été reconstituées avec précision, pus un habitat du haut Moyen Âge et son mobilier céramique typique des ateliers saintongeais ; à Mortantambe, une petite exploitation rurale

The studies compiled here all pertain to the same area, located between the Charente river valley and the Saintonge marshlands, a perpetually shifting and inhospitable setting that constitutes a privileged held of study for grasping the numerous and complex interactions between the human populations and their natural environment A seaside site and a plains site were excavated at the time of a motorway construction protect (the A 837 between Saintes and Rochefort), and the vestiges found illustrate the diversity of settlement and uses of these lands. In La Challonnière a saltworks (4th-3rd century BC) was uncovered and its activities retraced m detail, as well as an early Middle Ages settlement and its ceramic artefacts typical of Saintonge workshops. In Mortantambe a small rural homestead (2nd-7st century BO was examined along with the evidence of its economy (farming, hunting fishing metal working. J. and structures and graves attesting occupation from the 8th to the 9th century In parallel, the progression of the filling-in of the estuary was retraced by means of multi­disciplinary analysis of deep sondages These studies make a fundamental contribution to the history of the settlement and the countryside in the Rochefort hinterland.

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