Chapitre 9. La génération de trajectoires locomotrices chez l’homme

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4 juillet 2017


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Stéphane Vieilledent et al., « Chapitre 9. La génération de trajectoires locomotrices chez l’homme », Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, ID : 10.4000/books.editionsmsh.7170


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We present in this chapter recent findings about some production, control and steering mechanisms of locomotion in human subjects. During the reproduction of curved locomotor paths drawn on the floor, we investigate the relationship between the radius of curvature of the trajectory and the tangential velocity of the walker and found co-variations of both parameters according to the prediction of the so called « power law » already used by the CNS during handwriting or visual perception of curved movements. During the reproduction of polygonal paths, we investigate the influence of learning methods of the shape of the path to be followed. We found that mental simulation, a high level cognitive activity based on mental imagery, allowed subjects to perform the task as accurately as what they did when they learned it with actual walking. Our set of results suggests the existence of simplifying rules used by the CNS during locomotion. However, we discuss them as a subtle interplay between central knowledge of the navigation space and multisensory inputs arising from peripheral organs leading to the construction of a mental model of the locomotor trajectory.

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