Beyond the myth of the Cilician Gates. The ancient road network of Central and Southern Cappadocia

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27 avril 2020


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Jacopo Turchetto, « Beyond the myth of the Cilician Gates. The ancient road network of Central and Southern Cappadocia », Institut français d’études anatoliennes, ID : 10.4000/books.ifeagd.3332


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Central and southern Cappadocia could very well have served as a major hub within the context of the ancient communication system of Anatolia. The whole district was, indeed, passed through by a series of routes, which effectively linked east and west, as well as south and north. The ‘southern’ road leading from Iconium/Konya to Podandos/Pozantı and the Cilician Gates, running across the Çakıt Suyu valley, ensured smooth and easy communication between the Anatolian plateau and the Mediterranean shores of Cilicia. The ‘northern’ highway, from Iconium/Konya to Colonia Archelais/Aksaray and Mazaka/Caesarea/ Kayseri, connected the inner land to the eastern boundary of Anatolia and especially to the Euphrates district. Another historically important road from Mazaka/Caesarea/Kayseri to Podandos/Pozantı and the Cilician Gates joined the former route to the latter, closing that sort of wide and ideal ‘road triangle’ – whose vertexes being Konya, Kayseri and Pozantı – which has really characterized that frontier territory, and which this paper tries to describe.

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