Chapter 3. Vocational and cooperative education in Thailand: A Presentation

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3 juillet 2018


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Chitrlada Burapharat et al., « Chapter 3. Vocational and cooperative education in Thailand: A Presentation », Institut de recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est contemporaine, ID : 10.4000/books.irasec.744


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Traditionally education was done on a local basis, with temple schools but also “on the job” training, with fathers teaching their sons how to grow plants or mothers explaining their daughters how to take care of the household. With the introduction of modern education in Thailand in the second half of the 19th century under the reign of King Chulalongkorn, education changed dramatically, focusing on general subjects, especially designed to train future bureaucrats in the newly formed national administration. However it soon appeared necessary to develop modern technical and vocational education, and, influenced by foreign models, Thailand developed its technical education system. New challenges in economy, such as the upgrading of Thailand’s economy and production system, have put vocational education to the fore in the recent years but it still faces problems. The Thai government has decided to put the emphasis on “co-operative education”, in order to strengthen the links between higher education institutions and companies, and boost Thai national innovation system. Though the concepts and models can be clearly presented, putting them into practice is the real challenge.

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