1. Le Team X : contre-modèle des CIAM et nouveau modèle « hors des CIAM »

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14 novembre 2019


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Yannis Tsiomis, « 1. Le Team X : contre-modèle des CIAM et nouveau modèle « hors des CIAM » », Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine, ID : 10.4000/books.msha.10243


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It is often said and in a pertinent way, that Team X originates from an opposition to the CIAM, a kind of conflict of generations, the new one renouncing the well-worn theses of the older one. If this point of view is partly supported, on the other hand all that is related to a new posture or “rupture” on behalf of Team X is not necessarily related to the CIAM. By analyzing the discourse of the architects of this group but also of the thinkers on space (Lefebvre, Vaillant, Woods, Van Eyck, Candilis, Josic, etc. and through Francoise Choay, Bachelard, Lévi-Strauss, Barthes, Vernant, Levêque, Vidal-Naquet, Jakobson, Saussure, K. Lynch, Panofsky, Rousseau, Mac Luhan), the author of this article formulates the hypothesis that - if one agrees with their presence in the professional literature of architecture and in an era of full building and innovation euphoria - the universe of the architect broadens and opens up, beyond an «instrumentalization» of other disciplines, as the CIAM could be accused of.But their presence also could be explained differently : by a kind of hesitation in connection with the new convictions including those of Team X. This hesitation is not inevitably a conscious standpoint against the CIAM, but an attempt to reconstruct the field of architecture based on new elements of the post-war period. These new elements are not only of a political, geopolitical or economic nature - in each country the cards are also reshuffled and redistributed -, but also of a technical nature as the new techniques - for the majority the result of war industries - are converted into the production of consumer goods. It deals indeed with changes to which we have to add those related to human settlements: the phenomenon of metropolisation analyzed by urban geography, new concentrations, the spreading out...

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