5. Beidaud : un cas d’acculturation potière dans l’hinterland gète ?

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In order to improve the regional differenciation of chemical patterns within modern Dobrogea between Histria and other ancient settlements, new batches of pottery samples from both coastal Greek colonies, such as Tomis, Callatis and Orgame, and autochtonous sites of the nearby hinterland have been analysed. Interesting results have been obtained on the Getic Iron Age oppidum of Beidaud, halfway between Histria and Orgame. Our samples of wheelmade grey ware of Greek type from this indigenous site have revealed chemical compositions mostly differing from those of both Histria and Orgame, thus suggesting the existence of a distinct workshop most probably located in Beidaud, the main Getic centre all around. The question is whether this workshop was operated by acculturated Getic potters of by Greek ones, either settled or itinerant.

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