L’Église et le défi magique

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9 août 2021


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Mgr Giuseppe Casale, « L’Église et le défi magique », Presses universitaires de Lyon, ID : 10.4000/books.pul.11042


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The cotemporary «return of magic» is a disturbing event for a part of our culture and has determined at least five different forms of anti-occult criticism: a) a rationalist criticism: the occult is exposed as incompatible with modern rationality; b) a psychological-psychoanalytical criticism; c) a criminological criticism: many occult groups or societies are seen as dangerous and potentially criminal; d) a demonological criticism: all the occult «comes from the Devil»; e) an internal criticism, where some occult groups call themselves «white» and expose the competitors as «black». Although these different forms of criticism often include interesting remarks, they also produce gross exaggerations and should not be accepted at face value by the Churches. The latter should be able to recognize the different dimensions of the «return of magic» -social, political, cultural and pastoral-and the category of «challenge», included in the title of the Lyon conference, appears more adequate than those of «danger» or «conspiracy».

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