19 septembre 2019
https://www.openedition.org/12554 , info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Christian Auer, « XIV. Political and social unrest », Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, ID : 10.4000/books.pus.10199
The terms ‘Red Clydeside’ refer to the years of intense labour conflict in Glasgow and the urban areas around the city on the banks of the River Clyde from 1914 to 1922. Among the leading activists were James Maxton (1885-1946), John Wheatley (1869-1930), Harry McShane (1891-1988), William Gallacher (1881-1965) and John Maclean (1879-1923). Workers protested against low wages, bad working conditions and the rising prices due to wartime inflation (which had raised the cost of living by about f...