Au service secret de Sa Majesté le Taï-koun. Sur quelques lettres de Léon de Rosny retrouvées à Tokyo

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24 novembre 2020


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Guillaume Carré, « Au service secret de Sa Majesté le Taï-koun. Sur quelques lettres de Léon de Rosny retrouvées à Tokyo », Presses universitaires du Septentrion, ID : 10.4000/books.septentrion.101277


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The Rosny papers, collected after 1869 and deposited in the Historiographical Institute of the University of Tokyo, include three letters by Rosny, sent to Edo in 1866 and 1867. These letters look rather like a press review with notes summing up international affairs or echoes gathered in France about Japan, but they also include some advice and guidance addressed to the Japanese “Minister of Foreign Affairs”.Rosny probably thought that being the first teacher of the Japanese language in France gave him the opportunity to play a role in helping Japan’s diplomatic opening to the world, and for the Japanese authorities, it turned out to be helpful to use him as a kind of unofficial correspondant. But it also appears obvious that Rosny had nurtured the hope to be acknowledged in France as a real expert of Japan and as a go-between for the two nations. Furthermore, these letters reveal how much his passion for Japan had led him to identify himself with the cause of Shogunate: for him, the fall of the Tokugawa regime was perhaps a real tragedy.

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