Eugène de Rozière et Théophile Roussel, deux historiens lozériens méconnus du royaume médiéval de Chypre

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23 mai 2022

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Philippe Trélat, « Eugène de Rozière et Théophile Roussel, deux historiens lozériens méconnus du royaume médiéval de Chypre », Cahiers du Centre d’Études Chypriotes, ID : 10.4000/cchyp.308


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The French Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres offered in 1841 a prize, to be given in 1843, of the history of Cyprus under the reigns of the Princes of the House of Lusignan seeking “a more accurate account of events with some discussion of the geography, laws and customs and of the religious, political and civil institutions of the kingdom”. A young scholar, Louis de Mas Latrie (1815-1897), submitted the best essay and went on to make Medieval Cypriot studies his life’s work. A second prize was awarded to Théophile Roussel and Eugène de Rozière for their work. Their archival materials are kept today in Mende by the Archives Départementales de la Lozère. This paper will attempt to examine their academic and professional careers between Mende and Paris. An analysis and an evaluation of the content of their essay and archives will afterwards be attempted. Thanks to their discovery of the chronicle of Amadi in Venice and the chronico del regno di Cypro of Diomede Strambali in the Vatican archives, the two historians, Roussel and Rozière, should be regarded as pioneers of Medieval Cypriot studies, as important as Louis de Mas Latrie.

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