De “antigos conquistadores” a “angolenses”

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29 octobre 2013

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Catarina Madeira Santos, « De “antigos conquistadores” a “angolenses” », Cultura, ID : 10.4000/cultura.898


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Na segunda metade do século XVIII, a circulação de novos modelos culturais – muito em especial o conhecimento científico veiculado pela figura do engenheiro militar e seus saberes – conduziu a uma reformulação dos argumentos identitários da elite de Luanda, e dos lugares de memória a eles associados. Ao argumento da (re)conquista de Luanda aos holandeses, situada num tempo ciclicamente rememorado – os antigos conquistadores – vem acrescentar-se o argumento da naturalidade – os angolenses. Essa nova formulação, que decorre também de uma reelaboração do arquivo e/ou biblioteca coloniais, seria daí por diante, ao longo do século XIX, retomada e associada ao tempo em que foi produzida (o tempo do governador D. Francisco Inocêncio de Sousa Coutinho), e assim também convertida num (novo) lugar de memória.

This essay aims at analysing the explosion of a literary and cartographic production in Luanda, during the Enlightenment period, and to underline the local creation of an original speech, and the creation and re-creation of memory. When related to the History of Angola, colonial elites have been mostly studied for the 19th and 20th centuries, connected with the debate on the existence/inexistence of an Angolan creole culture. Alternatively, this paper focuses on the second half of the 18th century, the Enlightenment period, when there is a kind of re-invention of the elite established in Luanda. These families called themselves “the old families” and were connected with the slave traffic and externally legitimated by the argument of having reconquered Luanda from the Dutch. The arrival of new individuals in the Angolan administration, engineers and military, the foundation of the “Aula de Geometria e Fortificação”, in Luanda, in the year of 1769, aiming at the education of young engineers, whites and mulattos, the circulation of cultural objects, books, pamphlets and letters for the Atlantic roots, and the vulgarization of new intellectual skills and representations, stimulated the production of original arguments and cultural objects. The “old families” were confused with the new generation - the generation of 60.

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