The Mamluk Sultanate and the Mamluks seen by Ibn Taymiyya: between Praise and Criticism

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1 mars 2021

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Mehdi Berriah, « The Mamluk Sultanate and the Mamluks seen by Ibn Taymiyya: between Praise and Criticism », Arabian Humanities, ID : 10.4000/cy.6491


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Indubitably, Ibn Taymiyya is among those medieval Muslim theologians who have aroused the most interest in modern Western and Arab scholarship. This interest in Ibn Taymiyya has led to the production of a considerable number of academic works. While his fatwas and positions on dogmatic, legal, philosophical, and political questions are beginning to become well‑known, his position and vision concerning Mamluk power have been less frequently investigated. Paradoxically, close reading of the Mamluk sources shows that the authors of the period provided a fairly accurate account of the variable relations maintained by Ibn Taymiyya with certain great figures of the sultanate. However, his considerations of Mamluk power remain poorly understood. Based on an examination of the writings of Ibn Taymiyya and his contemporaries, this article attempts to shed light on the position of the famous Ḥanbalī theologian vis‑à‑vis the Mamluk Sultanate and the Mamluks in relation to religion and governance.

Indubitablement, Ibn Taymiyya est l'un des théologiens musulmans médiévaux qui a suscité le plus l'intérêt de la recherche contemporaine occidentale et arabe. Cet intérêt pour Ibn Taymiyya a conduit à une production considérable de travaux. Alors que ses fatwas et ses positions sur des questions dogmatiques, juridiques, philosophiques et politiques commencent à être mieux connues, sa position et sa vision concernant le pouvoir mamelouk ont été moins étudiées. Paradoxalement, l’analyse des sources mameloukes montre que les auteurs de la période fournissent bon nombre d’informations au sujet des relations ambivalentes qu’entretenait Ibn Taymiyya avec certaines grandes figures du sultanat. Cependant, ses considérations sur le pouvoir mamelouk restent encore assez mal connues. À partir de l’analyse des écrits d’Ibn Taymiyya et de ses contemporains, cet article tente de faire la lumière sur les positions du célèbre théologien hanbalite vis‑à‑vis du sultanat mamelouk et des Mamelouks concernant la religion et la gouvernance.

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