Reporting Back from the 4th International Ecosocialist Encounters 2018: What Has Been Sown, What Has Been Harvested, What Remains?

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9 juillet 2021

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Sinan Eden, « Reporting Back from the 4th International Ecosocialist Encounters 2018: What Has Been Sown, What Has Been Harvested, What Remains? », e-cadernos CES, ID : 10.4000/eces.5853


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The 4th International Ecosocialist Encounters that took place in Lisbon in November 2018 joined hundreds of activists to debate the climate crisis and strategies to exit the crisis. This article summarises the preparation process and the major outcomes of the event. For the future and success of the climate justice movement, it identifies an acute need for articulating ideological considerations, political plans, strategies and tactics, beyond the typical frameworks of social movements.

Os IV Encontros Internacionais Ecossocialistas que tiveram lugar em Lisboa em novembro de 2018 juntaram centenas de ativistas para debater a crise climática e as estratégias de saída da crise. Este artigo resume o processo preparatório e os resultados principais dos Encontros. Para o futuro e o sucesso do movimento pela justiça climática, o artigo identifica uma necessidade urgente de uma articulação entre as considerações ideológicas, os planos políticos, as estratégias e as táticas que vão para além dos enquadramentos típicos dos movimentos sociais.

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