Tragedia attica e filosofia. Osservazioni sulla funzione cognitiva dell’arte tragica

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17 février 2021

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Antonio Valentini, « Tragedia attica e filosofia. Osservazioni sulla funzione cognitiva dell’arte tragica », Rivista di estetica, ID : 10.4000/estetica.6823


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The paper proposes a new understanding of the relationship that links philosophy and literature, assuming the Greek tragedy of the 5th century BC as the exemplary occasion for the development of this enquiry. In this perspective, moving from the original interpretation of the tragedy recently offered by Pierre Judet de La Combe, the paper shows how the specific cognitive function of the tragedy, understood as “artistic form”, consists in its ability to bring to manifestation, in exemplary way, the “conditions of sense” that make possible any knowledge of experience, with the consciousness of the aesthetical-imaginative and not logical-conceptual character of these same conditions. From this point of view, the critical and reflexive function of the tragedy is due – according to the Adornian interpretation – to the autonomy of the “form”, i.e. to the sensible configuration of the tragedy. What emerges, here, is the “non-reproductive” but “productive” nature of the tragic form: what it offers to the spectator is not the representation of a sense already given in the world, but rather an “indefinite opening to meaning”, i.e. a form able to construct an indeterminate multiplicity of “possibilities of sense”.

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