Identité éditoriale, identités sportives

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7 novembre 2019

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Le Dossier analyse l’assignation d’identités catégorielles aux sportifs de haut niveau dans la presse. Les Échanges étudient l’intervention par l’image. Les Notes de recherche traitent la « relation diagnostique », la manière dont l’Université rend hommage à ses membres décédés, le rapport entre ludique et marchand d’un parc d’attraction pour enfants, l’expertise du jazz, le complotisme sur Facebook et la diversité des langues dans la musique populaire. En VO suit les représentations médiatiques de la violence genrée aux USA. Le Focus porte sur Les Sensibilités religieuses blessées de Jeanne Favret-Saada et 33 Newport Street de Richard Hoogart. Les Notes de lecture recensent 50 ouvrages. The media discourse on sport often focuses on elite athletes and assigns to them categorical identities (class, gender, race, origin, age…) for various emblematic purposes (for example, national heroes, representatives of a territory, of a culture…). The Issue analyzes these identification logics and their variations – according to editorial strategies and the readers communities built – in the specialized press and the sport sections of the generalist press, without forgetting to consider their reception by the athletes themselves. The Exchanges extend André Gunthert’s discussion on the intervention through the image. The Research Notes explore the “diagnostic relationship” for patients with West Syndrome and their families, how universities honor their deceased members, the relationship between play, commercial and educational practices in a children amusement park, the expertise of jazz in France, the conspiracy speeches on Facebook and the diversity of languages in French popular music. In Original Version, US researcher Lisa Cuklanz revisits three decades of work on representations of gendered violence in mainstream media. The Focus section provides an in-depth reading of a recent work by Jeanne Favret-Saada – Hurt Religious Feelings. Christianity, Blasphemy and Films, 1965-1988 – and on an older one by Richard Hoggart – A Local Habitation, 1918–40. The Book Reviews offer succinct overviews and analyses of more than 50 publications.

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