15 octobre 2012
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Pedro Hespanha, « From the Expansion of the Market to the Metamorphosis of Popular Economies », RCCS Annual Review, ID : 10.4000/rccsar.210
Recognising the existence, in this context of crisis, of widespread dissatisfaction with an economic and social system which is blind to social inequalities, insensitive to the social effects of unbridled competition, and complacent as regards the depredations wrought on non-renewable resources, this article reflects on the persistence of economic forms differing from the capitalist system, which exist alongside it, as well as on the emergence of social movements and practices of resistance to the logic of this system, as is the case of the solidarity economy. The article goes on to ponder how these forms can serve as a basis for a far-reaching paradigm change, and thus contribute to a fairer system, better equipped to match resources to needs and maximise human and social well-being.