Pravna priroda bosanskohercegovačkog pluralnog društva i najznačajnije specifičnosti njegovog savremenog ustavnog uređenja

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21 décembre 2012

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Dženeta Miraščić et al., « Pravna priroda bosanskohercegovačkog pluralnog društva i najznačajnije specifičnosti njegovog savremenog ustavnog uređenja », Revus, ID : 10.4000/revus.1114


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Politična prihodnost mednarodne skupnosti usmerja razvojne tokove o odnosu med državljansko (individualno) in nacionalno (kolektivno) identiteto. Danes ni mogoče govoriti o demokraciji in demokratičnih načelih z vidika katerekoli družbeno-politične skupnosti, če ona, na kakršenkoli način in v kateremkoli obsegu zanika značaj individuuma v procesu ustvarjanja in oblikovanja sodobnih družbeno-političnih odnosov. Poleg številnih zahtev, ki jo naslavljajo kot primarni subjekt mednarodnopravneg reda in ki so povezani z določenimi trajnimi procesi državno-pravnega prilagajanja sodobnim mednarodnim odnosom, se moderna država nacij sooča tudi z velikim izzivom notranje narave – s pojavom mulikulturnih (pluralnih) družb, ki s seboj prinašajo tudi novo posledico. Namreč, vsaka sodobna država nacij predstavlja istočasno tudi skupnost državljanov in „skupnost skupnosti“ (skupnost narodnih/etničnih skupnosti), ker se z oblikovanjem različnih družbenih organizacij in asociacij omogoča posamezniku, da lažje uresničuje pravice in svoboščine. Po drugi strani pa se zaradi teh istih organizacij in asociacij posameznik sooča z omejitvami svobodnega ravnanja. Članek mag. Dženete Miraščić in mag. Zlatana Begića s pravne fakultete v Tuzli objavljamo v izvirniku.

The modern nation-state faces a huge challenge of inner nature - the appearance of multicultural (pluralistic) societies that carry one new consequence. Every modern nation-state is also a community of citizens and “community of communities”(community of national / ethnic communities). Multicultural society, as a plural society, from theoretical and legal point of view in any case must not be understood as a factor whose existence excludes the possibility of the existence of the bourgeois state, which relies on consistent application of the principle: “One citizen-one vote”. On the contrary, the coexistence of different ethnic, linguistic, racial, cultural and other groups in the civil state is possible. Proponents of multiculturalism stress that a political identity of an individual largely depends on his cultural and political identity, because he will, through his political activities make an effort to realize and protect the interests of cultural and ethnic community to which he belongs. This theoretical and practical model, adapted to the specificities of the BiH plural society, could be successfully implemented into the constitutional structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which would not deny either individual or collective identity of any of the BiH citizen, regardless of the social group he belongs. The key issue consists in finding a constitutional model in which the civil concept will not be threatened by the collective national rights, and vice versa. In this regard, the exercise of the sovereignty of BiH citizens, but also the constituency of Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats, must be ensured, in the first place, by consistent exercise of their political rights - active and passive voting rights. Negation of the importance of the BiH citizen, regardless of his “collective affiliation”, can not lead to building and maintaining a stable and prosperous Bosnian society.

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