Državni zbor po 1. maju – igralec ali zgolj statist na evropskem prizorišču

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3 janvier 2014

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Primož Vehar, « Državni zbor po 1. maju – igralec ali zgolj statist na evropskem prizorišču », Revus, ID : 10.4000/revus.1572


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Državni zbor, ki v skladu z našo ustavno ureditvijo opravlja zakonodajno funkcijo in je nosilec zakonodajne oblasti ter splošni predstavniški organ, bo svojo sedanjo funkcijo po 1. maju 2004 (ko bo Slovenija vstopila v EU) ohranil tudi v delu prenesenih pristojnosti na institucije EU, saj posredno, prek vlade, lahko sodeluje v zakonodajnem postopku EU. Navedeno mu omogočajo ne samo marca lani razglašene ustavne spremembe, ki prinašajo novo razmerje med parlamentom in vladi, ampak predvsem iz teh sprememb izhajajoči zakon o sodelovanju med državnim zborom in vlado v EU zadevah, ki je trenutno v tretji obravnavi. Primerjalna ustavna ureditev nam kaže, da imajo podobne rešitve tudi ustave Nemčije, Francije, Avstrije, Švedske, Finske in Madžarske, ki prav tako na ustavni ravni rešujejo razmerje parlament – vlada glede EU zadev. Postopek spreminjanja slovenske ustave je potekal vzporedno z reformo EU, katere ključna naloga je bila dati večjo vlogo nacionalnim parlamentom v postopku sprejemanja odločitev. Kakšna bo vloga državnega zbora po 1. maju je odvisno predvsem od njega samega ter načina in kvalitete sodelovanja z vladi pri oblikovanju skupnih slovenskih stališč v zakonodajnem postopku EU.

The National Assembly, which according to Slovenian constitutional order provides legislative functions and is the bearer of the legislative branch of power and also the general representative body, will preserve its current functions in the part of transferred competencies to the EU institutions after 1st May 2004, when Slovenia accedes to the EU. It could indirectly participate in the EU legislative process through the government. This is possible not only because of promulgation of constitutional amendments in March last year which supported a new relationship between the Parliament and the Government, but above all because of the Law on Co-operation between the National Assembly and the Government in EU Affairs issuing from constitutional amendments, which is currently in the third reading. Comparative constitutional regulations have shown similar solutions in the Constitutions of Germany, France, Austria, Sweden, Finland and Hungary, which are also solving the Parliament – Government relationship on the same constitutional level, regarding EU affairs. The procedure of amending the Slovene Constitution was held parallel with the EU reform process, whose key task has been the delivery of a greater role to National Parliament in the decision making process. The role of the National Assembly after 1st May will depend mostly on the National Assembly itself, as well as on the manner and quality of the co-operation with the Government in the formation of common Slovene viewpoints in the EU legislative process.

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