Dvojna predramitev za slovensko oblast

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12 février 2013

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Saša Zagorc, « Dvojna predramitev za slovensko oblast », Revus, ID : 10.4000/revus.1768


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Avtor je analiziral odločbo Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice (ESČP) v zadevi Lukenda proti Sloveniji in odločbo Ustavnega sodišča RS o ugotovitvi neustavnosti zakona o upravnem sporu. Obe odločbi prispevata k učinkovitemu odpravljanju kršitev pravice do sojenja v razumnem roku. V analizi, kaj se bo zgodilo v vmesnem času do spremembe zakonodaje, ugotavlja, da ESČP še tekoče zadeve vrne sodnim organom države zaradi neizčrpanja domačih pravnih sredstev pod pogojem, da država zagotovi ustrezne in nediskriminatorne zakonodajne mehanizme in predvsem učinkovito sodno prakso. Avtor kot rešitev ponuja večjo samoiniciativnost sodne oblasti, ki ji po njegovem mnenju ni treba čakati na zakonodajalca, da uredi pravna sredstva. To velja še toliko bolj, ker je ESČP zelo jasno dalo vedeti, da sodna praksa in ukrepi sodne uprave niso učinkoviti.

The author analyses the judgment of the ECHR in the case Lukenda v. Slovenia and the decision of Slovenia’s Consititutional Court by which Administrative Dispute Act was declared unconstitutional. Both decisions give a sound basis for the National Assembly in order to pass a legislation which will guarantee effective legal remedies for the violation of the right to a trial within a reasonable time. If appropriate and non-discriminatory legislation is passed, followed by effective administrative and judicial practice, ECHR may declare whole set of pending cases inadmissible for a failure to exhaust domestic legal remedies. Author strongly upholds the idea that the judiciary may on its own initiative start to resolve cases of such violations, nevertheless the legislation is not passed by that time. Namely, the ECHR quite directly explained that the jurisprudence and administrative practices are not efficient in practice.

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