Legal disagreements

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19 juillet 2016

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Lorena Ramírez Ludeña, « Legal disagreements », Revus, ID : 10.4000/revus.3345


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In this paper I analyse the problem of legal disagreements, initially raised by Ronald Dworkin against Hartian positivism. According to Dworkin, disagreements are pervasive, since law is an argumentative practice in which participants invoke normative arguments. Positivists, who claim that law depends upon agreement among officials, have difficulties to make sense of the fact that lawyers frequently disagree. I first present the main arguments in the debate. I then go on to distinguish different levels at which lawyers disagree. Taking these levels into consideration, I articulate a pluralist reply that shows that the fundamental positivist tenets remain untouched by Dworkin’s challenge.

Pravna nesoglasja. Pluralistični odgovor na Dworkinov izziv. V članku je obravnavan problem pravnih nesoglasij, ki ga je kot prvi izpostavil Ronald Dworkin v svojem napadu na Hartov tip pozitivizma. Po mnenju Dworkina so nesoglasja v pravu pogosta, ker je pravo argumentativna praksa, katere udeleženci uporabljajo normativne argumente. Pozitivisti naj teh nesoglasij ne bi mogli osmisliti, ker pravo opredeljujejo kot soglasje uradnikov. V članku so najprej predstavljeni argumenti z obeh strani razprave, ki se je razvila iz te kritike. Zatem avtorica loči več ravni, na katerih se med pravniki pojavljajo nesoglasja. Na tej razčlembi končno temelji njen pluralistični odgovor na Dworkinov izziv. Po tem odgovoru Dworkinova kritika ne prizadane temeljnih načel pozitivizma.

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