Are there any elements of juridicity beyond positive law in Robert Alexy’s non-positivism?

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24 mars 2023

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Petar Popović, « Are there any elements of juridicity beyond positive law in Robert Alexy’s non-positivism? », Revus, ID : 10.4000/revus.9460


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The aim of this article is to assess Alexy’s non-positivist account of the law’s dual nature from the viewpoint of the question of whether he permits the existence of the elements of juridicity that do not meet the criteria for identifying valid positive law. An affirmative answer to that question would fit within the ordinary non-positivist stance that denies the positivists’ thesis that “all law is positive law”. In the article, I argue that Alexy, however, systematically denies the existence of non-posited elements of juridicity. I first explore Alexy’s foundational commitment to the social thesis in describing law’s nature. Next, I present his claim that the principles of justice cannot themselves constitute law without meeting the requirements of source-based positivity of legal norms. Finally, I clarify that, regardless of the non-positivist structure of his crucial arguments, Alexy does not ultimately hold that law may be “in” non-posited realities.

Namen tega članka je oceniti Alexyjev nepozitivistični prikaz dvojne narave prava z vidika vprašanja, ali Alexy dopušča obstoj elementov pravnosti, ki ne izpolnjujejo meril za opredelitev veljavnega pozitivnega prava. Pritrdilen odgovor na to vprašanje bi ustrezal običajnemu nepozitivističnemu stališču, ki zanika tezo pozitivistov, da je "vse pravo pozitivno pravo". Avtor članka trdi, da Alexy vendarle sistematično zanika obstoj nepozitivističnih elementov pravnosti. Najprej razišče Alexyjevo temeljno zavezanost tezi o družbenih virih prava pri opisovanju narave prava. Nato predstavi Alexyjevo trditev, da načela pravičnosti sama po sebi ne morejo tvoriti prava, ne da bi izpolnjevala zahteve po izvorni pozitivnosti pravnih norm. Nazadnje pa avtor še pojasni, da ne glede na nepozitivistično strukturo svojih ključnih argumentov Alexy ne trdi, da se pravo lahko nahaja "v okviru" nepozitivnih realnostih.

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