Les enjeux identitaires dans la trilogie de crise de Linda Lê

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14 mai 2020

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Claude Cavallero et al., « Les enjeux identitaires dans la trilogie de crise de Linda Lê », Studi Francesi, ID : 10.4000/studifrancesi.22089


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Linda Lê’s novelistic works – shaped by several conflicting influences – reveal a problematic cultural identity, and her conflicting points of view nourish a rebellious writing style, as dazzling in its metaphorical and dreamlike fluidity as is the daze it can inspire. This article deals with the ambiguities deriving from the quest for identity unfolding through the texts inspired by the suffering born from the exile that led the author to declare in an interview: «I have the impression of carrying in me a dead body. It is surely Vietnam that I carry as a dead child». This outstanding piece of work is a testament to the psychological difficulties upon which writings of migrant authors often reflect. Focusing on the trilogy devoted to the death of her father, composed of the three novels: Les Trois Parques; Voix, une crise; Lettre morte, the article aims to enlighten the path of writing through which real resilience is achieved by the novelist, in order to finally be able to mourn, to overcome the dilemma of not being able to return to the native country, by opening up to new ways of finding her identity instead of having to make amends with the painful past and trying to be reborn under the auspice of a conciliating tone.

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