Yves Bonnefoy, poète de circonstance? “La longue chaîne de l’ancre” et les journées poétiques de Malmö

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3 juillet 2023

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Numa Vittoz, « Yves Bonnefoy, poète de circonstance? “La longue chaîne de l’ancre” et les journées poétiques de Malmö », Studi Francesi, ID : 10.4000/studifrancesi.52266


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According to statements made by Yves Bonnefoy in different interviews, traces of what he calls “encounters” can be found in his poetic work. In his writing, which is often mixed with images and dreams, only a few poems seem realistic, almost descriptive of lived experience. The poem first published under the name Ales stenar, and then taken up again in the longer poem La longue chaîne de l’ancre, is one of them. As it combines an encounter with an art object, a reflection on its creator, and an encounter with nature, it can be considered an important example of a meditation on nature and man. Furthermore, this poem, although Bonnefoy has not explicitly indicated it to a wider audience, represents a response to what is one of the most significant series of occasional poetry organised in the contemporary period. I’m referring to the occasional poems collected by the Swedish translator Lasse Söderberg. This most impressive collection of poems written about Ale’s Stones, a megalithic monument, was collected during the visit he made every year with the poets invited to the festival of the Malmö International Poetry Days.

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