November 4, 2019
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Lúcia Campos, « Le fleuve qui fait résonner le son du tambour : musique et patrimonialisation de la folia de reis au Minas Gerais (Brésil) », Transposition, ID : 10.4000/transposition.2919
This article discusses the heritagisation of folia de reis, a religious and musical practice in Minas Gerais (Brazil). It focuses on the articulations and gaps between the folias de reis groups and the ICH policies in terms of their respective conceptions and uses of the music. An ethnography on the Folia de Reis do Campo Belo reveals the connections between music, religion and memory through which the foliões conceive their heritage. Yet it is the “music-object” paradigm that prevails in the public policies, in line with the parameters of conventional cultural production: the performance formats are glorified, and one of the instruments, the viola, declared “intangible cultural heritage”, has a metonymic relationship with the practice of folia. The aim, therefore, is to examine the intersection of the tangible and intangible in the heritagisation process. Our conclusion points out the participatory dimension of the intangible heritage protection policies, and the challenge of promoting the appreciation of heritage in everyday life through education and collaborative research.