Prescription des antibiotiques guidée par les biomarqueurs en médecine de famille : CRP ou PCT ? [Biomarker-guided antibiotics prescription for lower respiratory tract infections in primary care : CRP or PCT ?]

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11 mai 2022

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S. Vingerhoets et al., « Prescription des antibiotiques guidée par les biomarqueurs en médecine de famille : CRP ou PCT ? [Biomarker-guided antibiotics prescription for lower respiratory tract infections in primary care : CRP or PCT ?] », Serveur académique Lausannois, ID : 10.53738/REVMED.2022.18.781.948


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Lower respiratory tract infections are a frequent cause of excessive antibiotic prescription. The use of CRP and PCT has been evaluated by recent trials as a mean to assist antibiotic prescription. These studies suggest a safe reduction of antibiotic usage when prescription is guided by biomarkers. There is at the moment no evidence benefiting one of the biomarkers over the other, but a recent Swiss trial could suggest an added benefit for PCT. For now, PCT is less available, more expensive and not reimbursed. Democratization of its use, and/or clear thresholds for the use of CRP are additional ways that could participate to reduce excessive antibiotic prescription in primary care.

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