Dry powders reflectance model based on enhanced backscattering: case of hematite α - Fe_2 O_3

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Physics BRDF Hematite

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Morgane Gerardin, « Dry powders reflectance model based on enhanced backscattering: case of hematite α - Fe_2 O_3 », Recherche Data Gouv, ID : 10.57745/GRHRZJ


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Data associated to the paper entitled: Morgane Gerardin, Pauline Martinetto, and Nicolas Holzschuch, "Dry powders reflectance model based on enhanced backscattering: case of hematiteα–Fe2O3," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 40, 1817-1830 (2023) The appearance of materials is described by a function known as the Bidirectionnal Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF). This function can be acquired through gonio-spectrophotometry, by measuring the scattering of light by a sample of study for multiple illumination directions and multiple observation directions. When it comes to the scattering of light in the back scattering direction (illumination and observation directions are coincident), a specific instrument allowing such configuration to be measured is required. This dataset provides complete BRDF measurements data acquired on numerous dry hematite powders, with different color and different grain morphology. The main part of the BSDF is measured using the Gonio-spectrophotometer SHADOWS (IPAG), and the back scattering is measured using an instrument designed at Institut Néel. These data were collected in the context of the Cross Disciplinary Program Patrimalp, supported by the French National Research Agency in the framework of the Investissements d’Avenir program (ANR-15-IDEX-02). See README file for a complete description of the available data.

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