Life cycle inventories and unit processes of four spring frost protection methods in viticulture of the Loire Valley Region

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27 mai 2024

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Vincent BAILLET et al., « Life cycle inventories and unit processes of four spring frost protection methods in viticulture of the Loire Valley Region », Recherche Data Gouv, ID : 10.57745/IZNEYZ


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The aim of this dataset is to present the Life Cycle Inventories (LCI) and the database's unit processes of four contrasted practices to protect 1 ha of vineyard in Loire Valley region from spring frost events. The dataset is created to favour open access sciences and is part of the phD research financed by the region Pays de la Loire in the frame of the ABRIGEL project. This phD project has the objective to assess the environmental impacts of Active Spring Frost Protection Methods (ASFPM) into a decision support perspective. The challenge of the analysis is to consider context-specific elements into the LCI modelling to be relevant enough for wine-growers and expert advisers. In this perspective, four ASFPMs are identified as contrasted enough to develop a methodological framework considering different context-specific elements from the Loire Valley region. The cover, the antifrost candles, the wind machine and the sprinkler are the analysed ASFPMs which aim to prevent buds from freezing during spring frost events, but differ from their natures; i.e.; installation, application, and removal practices. In this dataset, the used unit processes from Ecoinvent and Agribalyse databases are presented to model the ASPMs and which unit processes are influenced by external drivers. The Life cycle Inventories (LCI) of each ASFPM are also presented.

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