Supplementary data - Genomic and phenomic predictions help capture low-effect alleles promoting seed germination in oilseed rape in addition to QTL analyses

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17 juin 2024

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Anne Laperche et al., « Supplementary data - Genomic and phenomic predictions help capture low-effect alleles promoting seed germination in oilseed rape in addition to QTL analyses », Recherche Data Gouv, ID : 10.57745/JAAO8R


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This dataset corresponds to the Supplementary data, to the BLUEs of phenotypic data, as well as to the raw NIRS and genotypic data attached to the original article 'Combining QTL detection with genomic and phenomic predictions to capture favorable alleles involved in seed germination in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)'. This dataset contains the five following files: Readme.docx, ESM.xlsx, Phenotypes.csv, Genotypes.csv and NIRS.csv.

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