Spatial variability of rainfall driven erosion at the catchment scale: the June 23rd 2010 rainfall event on the Galabre catchment

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4 avril 2023

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Rainfall Rain

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Guillaume NORD et al., « Spatial variability of rainfall driven erosion at the catchment scale: the June 23rd 2010 rainfall event on the Galabre catchment », Recherche Data Gouv, ID : 10.57745/NOHRHJ


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This dataset is related to the Galabre basin, a 20 km² headwater catchment located in the French Alps that is part of the Draix-Bléone Observatory. Liquid and solid discharges are continuously monitored at the catchment outlet (Legout et al. 2021). Soil erosion was modelled for a rainfall event recorded on June 23rd 2010, prescribing the effective rainfall intensity in two different ways: 1) as spatially distributed rainfall fields defined from raster files with spatial and temporal resolutions of 1 km and 15 minutes respectively, and 2) as spatially uniform rainfall fields defined as the spatial average of the rainfall fields over the entire catchment, with a time resolution of 15 minutes. Both rainfall products are equivalent in terms of the spatial average of rainfall intensity at each time step. The only difference between both simulations was the spatial variability of rainfall. The dataset contains two Iber+ models with either options of modelling rainfall, including the rainfall data as .asc rasters, as well as a spreadsheets with the output results of the simulation. The Iber+ model should be run with the executables provided by CEA & GARCIA-FEAL 2023, "Iber+ executables (V3.2b)",

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