The Inquisition(s) and the Christian East, 1500-1800

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9 novembre 2021


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« The Inquisition(s) and the Christian East, 1500-1800 », Calenda, le calendrier des lettres, des sciences humaines et des sciences sociales, ID : 10.58079/17lr


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The conference is the first of its kind to examine in a comparative way how Catholic ecclesiastical tribunals (Roman Inquisition, Spanish Inquisition, Portuguese Inquisition, episcopal courts, etc.) dealt with Eastern Christianity in early modern times. By bringing together historians of the Inquisition and specialists in the relationship between the Catholic World and the Eastern Churches, this colloquium aims to find out the far-reaching consequences of the attempt by Catholic authorities to frame and discipline a Christian tradition different from their own. Scholars are invited to focus both on the judicial level (Inquisition trials) and on the doctrinal one (book censorship, dubia circa sacramenta, liturgical issues), keeping a comparative perspective and linking discussions on the Christian East to other controversies formulated by theologians and missionaries in the 17th and 18th centuries.

En rassemblant pour la première fois des historiens de l’Inquisition et des spécialistes des rapports entre Rome et les Églises orientales, le colloque propose d’étudier l’attitude des différents tribunaux de la foi (inquisition romaine, espagnole, portugaise…) envers les chrétiens orientaux à l’époque moderne, tant sur le plan judiciaire (procès) que sur le plan doctrinal (censure libraire, questions théoriques, dubia circa sacramenta), avec un regard comparatif et en reliant les discussions sur l’Orient chrétien aux autres controverses formulés par les théologiens et les missionnaires aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles.

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